Bus company to launch Yangon-Bangkok one day tripINFORMATION/교통관련 2013. 12. 31. 08:05
재미있는 기사가 나왔군.
소식으로만 듣던 양곤- 방콕간 국제버스에 관한 기사인데 양곤에서 각 국경지역까지버스를 운행한다는 말만 듣다가 뉴스가 나왔다.이 회사는 일본기업과 합작회사인데 상당히 적극적으로 국제운송사업을 하고 있다.아직은 운행하지는 않고 있다.기사의 팩트로 몇가지 틀린것이 있는데 바로 잡자면. 양곤 파안간은 6시간이 걸린다. 그리고 꺼까레익까지는 2시간이 더걸리고 꺼까레익에서미야와디까지는 1시간이 걸린다. 마지막으로 메솟부터 방콕까지는 8시간이 걸린다.총 17시간이 소요가 된다.그리고 마지막으로 태국에서는 버스 왼쪽 핸들 금지다.Bus company to launch Yangon-Bangkok one day trip
Double-decker bus to be run for a trip (Photo/EMG)
YANGON - Yangon Air Bus-Taxi Company is planning to launch a Yangon to Bangkok overland day trip via the Myawaddy border crossing, according to company chairman.
The program will start in the new year and will take approximately 12 hours.
"We are going to launch Yangon-Bangkok in one day trip. The fare is Ks 30,000 (US$30) for a local visitor and US$ 40 for a foreigner," said Zon Maung Maung, Chairman of Yangon Air Bus-Taxi Company.
The passengers will need their passport and must pay 50 Baht for a visa which allows them to stay about 45 days in Thailand.
"The passengers who have no passport and free visa will end their trip in Maesot," said Zon Maung Maung.
The company has imported 120-seat air-conditioned double-decker buses from Korea and Japan.
The bus will leave Kyanmaryay Seikkan Bus Terminal on Strand Road at 6 a.m and arrive in Pa-Ann Township at 10 a.m and in Kawtkayeik Township at 11 a.m. respectively.
The bus will proceed to Bangkok from Maesot at 2 p.m and arrive in Bangkok at 6 p.m. The trip will take a total of 12 hours.
'INFORMATION > 교통관련' 카테고리의 다른 글
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